вторник, 11 октября 2011 г.

can you paint carpet in JOSEPHINE can you paint carpet JOSEPHINE

can you paint carpet in JOSEPHINE

can you paint carpet

can you paint carpet JOSEPHINE

can you paint carpet in JOSEPHINE.Cleaning up spills as soon as they happen, is your best defense.
When painting windows, dried paint can be removed by dabbing hot vinegar onto the spots with a cotton ball, to soften it.
It will then come off easily when scraped, instead of having to scratch the glass.
Waved your brush a little too freely when doing the kitchen?
Clean dried spots on your floor by mixing a paste of starch and hot water that will soften the paint, to be scrubbed off in half an hour.
This also works on brick, and cement surfaces that have not been water sealed, although you may need a stiff brush for the scrubbing.
If the latex paint spill is on carpeting and still damp, try blotting it with a wet cloth and a solution of two tablespoons dish detergent to three cups of water.
Some people also recommend adding two tablespoons of white vinegar.
Sponge the solution into the carpet, then rinse.
If you have been using oilbased paint, it generally takes some type of chemical paint thinner to remove it, no matter where the spill is.
For small spots apply with a qtip, or a cloth on your finger, to control the area that is moistened.
Blot and repeat until most of the paint is off, then use the same detergent solution as for latex paint, to remove the leftovers, and the thinner.
Whichever paint was on your brush, if it ends up in your hair, try using baby oil to wipe down the locks.
Then wash your hair with a greasecutting dish detergent before using regular shampoo.
However, there are methods you can use to remove the paint, but you have to act immediately.
Remove as much paint as you can with a scraper or a spoon.
Take a bucket and fill it with warm water.
Add either a liquid detergent or a product called oxiclean to the water.
Place towels into the bucket until they are fully soaked.
Put the towels on the areas where the paint is and blot, but do not rub.
Use towels to remove the excess moisture.
Repeat the process until the paint is completely gone.
Keep in mind that using any type of chemical to remove the paint can also lighten the carpet.
Moreover, if you have the carpet professionally cleaned, the scotch guard that protects the carpet is also removed in the process, leaving the carpet quite limp.
They are relatively cheap and you can buy several to cover not only the carpet, but every piece of furniture in the room.
can you paint carpet in SUNOL can you paint carpet SUNOL

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