понедельник, 24 октября 2011 г.

soft chewy oatmeal cookie in JOSEPHINE soft chewy oatmeal cookie JOSEPHINE

soft chewy oatmeal cookie in JOSEPHINE

soft chewy oatmeal cookie

soft chewy oatmeal cookie JOSEPHINE

soft chewy oatmeal cookie in JOSEPHINE.The trick is to pull them at 15 minutes while they still look wet and undercooked, but then let them cool for 5 minutes on the baking sheets.
Add dry team and mix until incorporated.
The dough should be a thick consistency when everything is added.
Take the cookies out at the 15 minute mark even if they look soft and wet.
Remove from oven and let cool on baking sheet for 5 additional minutes.
Transfer to a wire rack until cookies completely cool.
soft chewy oatmeal cookie in SUNOL soft chewy oatmeal cookie SUNOL

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