getting silly putty out of carpet in JOSEPHINE

getting silly putty out of carpet JOSEPHINE
getting silly putty out of carpet in JOSEPHINE.Thanks, try placing a paper bag or piece of wax paper over the silly putty and ironing over the stain, it should melt on to the paper!This also works well with crayons or candles that have melted onto carpets or fabrics.
She let it sit for 30 minutes and then rubbed it out.
Apparently the oils from the pb loosen it up.
The instructions said not to spray directly on the carpet, but it worked much faster when done, blotted and rubbed with a clean cloth, washed with water and blotted with paper towels to dry.
Worked like a charm.
Thanks for the advice!
I got it out!
The combo of wd40 and alcohol did the trick.
I had to rub vigorously with a damp wash cloth though.
The paper towel was falling apart.
My son had flattened his into the carpet with the sliding closet door.
I then tried the alcohol, it broke it down well, but seemed to make it smear more into the carpet.
I then used goo gone and it worked even better than the alcohol.
The alcohol left a bright pink stain in my light grey berber, the goo gone helped with the stain but even after using my little green clean machine there is still a slight pink stain in the carpet.
Needless to say that any remaining bright pink silly putty has been thrown out never to enter my house again!
I had no idea where to begin with my purple mess, and did a quick search and found you.
My community of no more putty!
After using the rubbing alcohol to remove the silly putty from the carpet, i was left with a bright colored stain.
I found oxiclean removed this stain with very little effort.
I dumped it on and rubbed it.
It melted, but did smear on the carpet.
It left a big orange stain.
I used goo gone and dawn dish liquid and kept scrubbing.
It eventually all came out stain and all.
Thanks for all your help.
I rubbed it into the leftover silly putty in a circular motion, then wiped it up with paper towels.
Now the garbage man can have the silly putty.
It was especially stuck in the mane of my precious zebra toy i got when i was a baby.
The mane is yarn.
I was so, so, so upset.
I ran to the computer and found this.
I tried rubbing alcohol, purell, soap, everything.
It was still leaving a stain.
I went to get this soap that has gotten rid of every stain in the past, and rubbed it on.
It worked like a dream.
This soap is a miracle, i am so happy!
It is called fels naptha.
I swear, it works every single time.
Thanks so much to everyone!
I hope my suggestion comes in handy.
I tried spotshot first, which normally gets just about anything out.
Then, i found this site, and read through all the great advice.
I got most of the red silly putty out of my beige carpet.
Now my son is out of the doghouse, and the remaining silly putty is in the trash!
Thanks for all your great tips!
After the alcohol treatment, the goo gone and dawn mixture removed everything.
Thanks for the wonderful tips!
From one grateful mom!
Thank you so much, my carpet is once again perfect!
My son feel asleep with the t.
Remote in his hand with the silly putty too.
I rubbed some sanitizer on a paper towel and lightly rubbed the putty off of the buttons, etc.
getting silly putty out of carpet in SUNOL getting silly putty out of
carpet SUNOL
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